The National Marian Mantle Group

 "Do whatever He tells you."   Jn 2:5

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Patron of Alcoholics - Venerable Matt Talbot Barbara

Matt Talbot is known as the patron of those who suffer from alcoholism or other addictions.  If your prodigal is dealing with an addiction, consider asking the intercession of this soul.

Matt Talbot was declared Venerable in 1973 which means that the church has decided that from a human point of view, he has the qualifications of a Saint. However a physical miracle is required to show Gods Approval of this judgement before he will be Beatified and another Miracle after that, before he will be canonized.

Pope John Paul II  said he believes that Matt Talbot has been chosen by God as a model for addicts. He was a recovered Alcoholic. It is now known that the rehabilitation program given to him in 1884 incorporated the 12 step program of Alcoholics Anonymous. although these steps were not formulated for another 50 years.

Prayer for Canonization of Venerable Matt Talbot Barbara
Prayer for the canonization of Matt Talbot

Lord, in your servant, Matt Talbot you have given us a wonderful example of triumph over addiction, of devotion to duty, and of lifelong reverence of the Holy Sacrament. May his life of prayer and penance give us courage to take up our crosses and follow in the footsteps of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Father, if it be your will that your beloved servant should be glorified by your Church, make known by your heavenly favours the power he enjoys in your sight. We ask this through the same Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen.

Prayer request Trisha
Prayer request for return of brothers, sisters and children to their Catholic faith.  My prayers are with all of those praying for the return to the fold of their children or other loved ones.
Praise God! Susan
If God brings you to it, He will bring you through it.
Happy moments, praise God.
Difficult moments, seek God.
Quiet moments, worship God.
Painful moments, trust God.
Every moment, thank God.

The Center of the Bible Marlene
Q: What is the shortest chapter in the Bible? A: Psalms 117
Q: What is the longest chapter in the Bible? A: Psalms 119
Q: Which chapter is in the center of the Bible? A: Psalms 118

Fact: There are 594 chapters before Psalms 118
Fact: There are 594 chapters after Psalms 118
Add these numbers up and you get 1188.

Q: What is the center verse in the Bible? A: Psalms 118:8
Q: Does this verse say something significant about God's perfect will for our lives?
(The next time someone says they would like to find God's perfect will for their lives and that they want to
be in the center of His will, just send them to the center of His Word!)

Psalms 118:8 "It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man."

Making Pancakes Marlene
Six-year-old Brandon decided one Saturday morning to fix his parents
pancakes. He found a big bowl and spoon, pulled a chair to the counter,
opened the cupboard and pulled out the heavy flour canister spilling it on the floor.

He scooped some of the flour into the bowl with his hands, mixed in most of a cup of milk and added some sugar, leaving a floury trail on the floor which by now had a few tracks left by his kitten.

Brandon was covered with flour and getting frustrated. He wanted this to be something very good for Mom and Dad, but it was getting very bad.

He didn't know what to do next, whether to put it all into the oven or on
the stove and he didn't know how the stove worked!. Suddenly he saw his
kitten licking from the bowl of mix and reached to push her away, knocking the egg carton to the floor. Frantically he tried to clean up this monumental mess but slipped on the eggs, getting his pajamas white and sticky.

And just then he saw Dad standing at the door. Big crocodile tears welled up in Brandon's eyes. All he'd wanted to do was something good, but he'd made a terrible mess. He was sure a scolding was coming, maybe even a spanking. But his father just watched him.

Then, walking through the mess, he picked up his crying son, hugged him and loved him, getting his own pajamas white and sticky in the process!

That's how God deals with us. We try to do something good in life, but it
turns into a mess. Our marriage gets all sticky, we insult a friend, we can't stand our job, or our health goes sour.

Sometimes we just stand there in tears because we can't think of anything
else to do. That's when God picks us up and loves us and forgives us, even though some of our mess gets all over Him.

But just because we might mess up, we can't stop trying to "make pancakes" for God or for others. Sooner or later we'll get it right, and then they'll be glad we tried...

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We pray and reach out to those who pray for loved ones who are lapsed Catholics, fallen-away Catholics, prodigal Catholics, non-practicing Catholics, or whatever name is used for those who no longer attend Mass and receive the Sacraments.