The National Marian Mantle Group

 "Do whatever He tells you."   Jn 2:5

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"I wish for you..." Marlene
Comfort on difficult days, Smiles when sadness intrudes,
Rainbows to follow the clouds, Laughter to kiss your lips,
Sunsets to warm your heart Gentle hugs when spirits sag,
Friendships to brighten your being, Beauty for your eyes to see,
Confidence for when you doubt, Faith so that you can believe,
Courage to know yourself, Patience to accept the truth,
And love to complete your life.
 I asked the Lord to bless you Marlene
 I asked the Lord to bless you As I prayed for you today
To guide you and protect you As you go along your way....

His love is always with you His promises are true
No matter what the tribulation You know He will see us through

So, when the road you're traveling on Seems difficult at best
Give your problems to the Lord And God will do the rest.
 Whispers Marlene

The man whispered, "God, speak to me" and a meadowlark sang.
But, the man did not hear.

So the man yelled, "God, speak to me"and the thunder rolled across the sky.
But, the man did not listen.

The man looked around and said,"God let me see you."
And a star shined brightly. But the man did not see.

And, the man shouted, "God show me a miracle."
And, a life was born. But, the man did not notice.

So, the man cried out in despair,
"Touch me God, and let me know you are here."

Whereupon, God reached down and touched the man.
But, the man brushed the butterfly away and walked on.

I found this to be a great reminder that God is always around us in the little and simple things that we take for granted ... even in our electronic age So I would like to add one more:

The man cried, "God, I need your help!"
And an e-mail arrived reaching out with good news and encouragement.
But, the man deleted it and continued crying

Don't miss out on a blessing because it isn't packaged the way that you expect.
Closed Doors


This seemed to fit the wonderful work that you do and might be encouraging to others as I found it inspirational and worth meditating on.  

We need to learn to thank the Lord for closed doors as we  do an  open door.
The reason God closes doors is because He has not  prepared anything over there for us.
If he didn't close the wrong door we  would never find our way to the right door.
Even when we don't rea lize it,  God directs our paths through the closing and opening of  doors.
When one door closes, it forces us to change our course. Another  door closes, it forces us to change our course yet again.
Then finally,  we find  the open door and walk right into our blessing.
But instead of praising  God for the closed door (which kept our  butt out of trouble), we get  upset because we "judge by the  appearances." And in our own arrogance,  or ignorance, we insist that we
 know what is right.
 We have a very present help  in the time of need who is always  standing guard. Because He walks ahead of  us, He can see trouble down the road and  HE sets up road blocks and detours  accordingly.
But through our lack of wisdom we try to tear down the  roadblocks or push aside the detour signs.  Then the minute we get into  trouble, we start crying "Lord how could this happen to me?"   We have got to realize that  the closed door was a blessing.  Didn't  He say that "No good thing will He  withhold from them that love him?"
If you get terminated from your job - don't be down,  instead thank God for the new opportun ities that will manifest themselves -  it might be a better job, or an opportunity to go to school.
 If that  man or woman won't return your call - it might not be them, it might be the Lord setting up a roadblock (just let it go).
I'm so grateful, for the many times God has closed doors to me,  just to open t hem in the most unexpected places. "The steps of a good  man  are ordered by the Lord, and He delights in his way." - Psalm  37:23.
 The Mountain top is glorious, but it is in the Valley that I will   grow!

 Always Remember


       Always Remember
       God gives you . .
       Enough Happiness to keep you  Sweet
       Enough Trials to keep you Strong Enough
       Enough Sorrows to keep you  Human
       Enough Hope to keep you Happy
       Enough Failure to keep you  Humble
       Enough Success to keep you Eager
       Enough Friends to give you  ! Comfort
      ;  Enough Wealth to meet your Needs
       Enough Enthusiasm to make you  look Forward
       Enough Faith to banish depression, and
       Enough Determination  to make each day a better day than the last
       Life must be lived forward but can only be understood backwards ..
       Success is determined by your amount of determination!"

New Plenary Indulgence to Mark
Year of the Eucharist


Established to Help Faithful Grow in "Mystery of Faith"

to Read the Decree, click here.
Decree on the Indulgence for the Year of the Eucharist

John Paul II approved a special plenary indulgence to mark the Year of the Eucharist.

The objective "exhort the faithful in the course of this year, to a more profound knowledge and more intense love of the ineffable 'mystery of faith,' so that they will reap ever more abundant spiritual fruits."
The decree will be in force during the Eucharistic Year.

The Catechism of the Catholic Church explains that "[a]n indulgence is a remission before God of the temporal punishment due to sins whose guilt has already been forgiven, which the faithful Christian who is duly disposed gains under certain prescribed conditions through the action of the Church which, as the minister of redemption, dispenses and applies with authority the treasury of the satisfactions of Christ and the saints."...Since the faithful departed now being purified are also members of the same communion of saints, one way we can help them is to obtain indulgences for them, so that the temporal punishment due for their sins may be remitted."  

Reading from Hebrews Jane in Kansas
This is a reading from "Hebrews" and a reflection that Br. Joseph had on it.  I thought that you might find joy in reading it too.  There was more but this seemed the most important.  Peace, Jane

Let mutual love continue. Do not neglect hospitality, for through it some have unknowingly entertained angels. Be mindful of prisoners as if sharing their imprisonment, and of the ill-treated as of yourselves, for you also are in the body. Let marriage be honored among all and the marriage bed be kept undefiled, for God will judge the immoral and adulterers. Let your life be free from love of money but be content with what you have, for he has said, "I will never forsake you or abandon you." Thus we may say with confidence: "The Lord is my helper, and I will not be afraid. What can anyone do to me?" Remember your leaders who spoke the word of God to you. Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.  ~Hebrews 13: 1-8

Reflection:  But we must always remember that our Life is not intended for this life; but in the one to come. We are not here to please people; rather we are here to honor our King. May the Lord fill us with the strength and courage to remain faithful to Him, to be faithful witnesses to the world; of the Love that Jesus offers us each and everyday.

On peace Jane in Kansas
I wanted to share this with you from a book Bro. Joseph loaned me:  In effect, one of the most common strategies of the devil in his efforts to distance us from God and to slow our spiritual progress is to attempt to cause the loss of our interior peace.  Here is what Dom Lorenzo Scupoli, one of the great spiritual masters of the 16th century, who was highly esteemed by Saint Francis de Sales, said:  "The devil does his utmost to banish peace from one's heart, because he knows that God abides in peace and it is in peace the He accomplishes great things." 
~excerpt from
"Searching for and Maintaining Peace" "A small Treatise on Peace of Heart" by Father Jacques Philippe. 
Hopefilled words Jane in Kansas
When I cannot understand my Father’s leading.
And it seems to be but hard and cruel fate.

Still I hear that gentle whisper ever pleading.
God is working. God is faithful. ONLY WAIT.”

~author unknown~
The Novena That Never Fails Donna in Missouri
May the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament of the altar be praised, adored, and loved with grateful affection at every moment in all the tabernacles of the world, even to the end of time.
Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us.
St. Theresa of the child Jesus, pray for us.
St. Jude, helper of the helpless, pray for us.
St. Jude, worker of miracles, pray for us.

Say this novena 9 times a day for 9 days, leaving a copy in a church.  Never has it been known to fail.

Flowers from a friend and God Kansas
Today, Nov. 5, my husband would have been 67 and our 49th wedding anniversary.  A dear friend from work send me a lovely autumn arrangement and that turned a drearly day into a sunny one.  I know she sent the flowers, but I think that God was the one who reminded her about the day.
Prayer Kansas
It is amazing how if you pray, others hear about it and a lady told me just today how she started saying the rosary because she heard we were and she couldn't get to us so she just says it herself.  Wow!
prayer needed constantly Elizabeth
I am amazed how true it is that we need to keep praying for our children.  A daughter, 29, who I thought was solid just revealed she had a serious wavering of her faith about two years ago.  She doesn't realize the effects seem to still be with her behavior.  It's as though she could throw off what didn't fit her style, and be fine.  I think it is sometimes a long slow path out of the Church, and I never saw that before. I pray for all of our children.
Crosses from Karen Karen

I received this in an email yesterday. I liked it and thought I would send it to you. ~Karen


A young man was at the end of his rope,
Seeing no way out, he dropped to his knees in prayer.
“Lord, I can’t go on,” he said.
“I have too heavy a cross to bear.”

The Lord replied, “My son, If you can’t bear its weight,
Just place your cross inside this room.
Then, open that other door And pick out any cross you wish.”

The man was filled with relief and said,“Thank you Lord,” and he did as he was told.

Upon entering the Other room, he saw many crosses;
Some so large the tops were not visible.
Then, he spotted a tiny cross Leaning against a far wall.

“I’d like that that one, Lord,” he whispered.

The Lord replied,“My son, that is the cross you just brought in.”

When life’s problems seem overwhelming, It helps to look around and see What other people are coping with. You may consider yourself Far more fortunate than you imagined.


Whatever your cross - Whatever your pain
There will always be sunshine - After the rain.

Perhaps you may stumble - Perhaps even fall
But God’s always there - To help you through it all
Pray for Brother Joseph Jane in Kansas
Our Carmelite Intern has been doing a Scriptural Rosary during October. He picks out different Scripture readings for each decade and explains them. His comments tonight really hit home with me.
     I'm paraphrasing because I don't remember his exact words, but He said something to the effect, "when we are troubled we don't pray to God for a solution to our problem, but we need to pray that so we will know what God wants us to do in this situation."
     Please add Brother Joseph, OC to the prayer list. We need good priests and he's such a decent, happy young man and so willing to share with our people. I hope the Lord is calling him. He always prays for Prodigals and adds them in the intercessions before he starts the rosary.
New Prayer Leavenworth prayer group

I have a prayer I'd like to share.  Fr. David Fontaine used to use this one on occasion and before he left I asked for a copy of it.  It has turned out to be one of our favorites.    Jane


When I begin to lose sight of you as my Lord and Savior,
           Stay with me, Lord.
When I fail to recognize your presence in the events of my everyday life,
           Stay with me, Lord.
When I feel that my troubles are a sign that you have abandoned me,
           Stay with me, Lord.
When my need for security makes me self-centered,
           Stay with me, Lord.
When my love for others grows cold and ungenerous,
           Stay with me, Lord.
When my friends betray me, as you were betrayed,
           Stay with me, Lord.
When I meet with ingratitude and criticism,
           Stay with me, Lord.
When I feel weary, old and lonely,
            Stay with me, Lord.
When my faith seems to weaken before failure,
            Stay with me, Lord.
When the Father does not seem to hear my prayer,
            Stay with me Lord.

PRAYER FOR THE ENTRUSTMENT OF THE FAMILY Leavenworth prayer group coordinator

Our members take turns bringing a prayer to share with the others when we gather for the rosary novena.  This is the one used this week.  We'd like to share it with all.


     Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary, I come to you to entrust myself and my entire family to your two hearts.  I desire to renew the vows of my baptism and place each member of my family through an act of faith, hope and love into loving union with the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph.
     I dedicate myself and each member of my family to the Guardian Angels God has given each one of us.  O Holy Guardian Angels, enlighten, guide, and protect each one so as to lead us safely home to heaven.
     At Fatima, dear Mother of God, you appeared with St. Joseph and the Child Jesus blessing the world.  O Holy Family, bestow blessings upon me and my entire family so that we may live the Christ-life.
     I desire that each member of my family adore always the Most Blessed Trinity and love our God in the most Blessed Sacrament.
     Grant peace to each member of my family.  Keep each one in the grace of Jesus Christ.  Never permit any of my family to stray from the true faith.   (For any family member who has strayed, I beseech you to bind up the wounds, lift up the fallen, restore and keep each of our loved ones in grace.  Bid them come back to their Father’s true home.)    AMEN

Alternate Petition and Thanksgiving prayer  Leavenworth prayer group coordinator
We alternate these prayers at the beginning of our rosary novena.

Prayer of Petition

     We offer these prayers, dear Mother, that through your intercession, those who no longer attend Church or practice the faith will return to it.  Our prayers include the prodigals of all those gathered here this evening, those unable to be with us this evening, those in our parish, and those in our community.
     We join our prayers with those the Marian Mantle group includes in the names around the image of the Most Sorrowful Mother.
     We pray also for Vocations, dear Mother, for strength and unity, and in an increase to the priesthood.  In Jesus’ name we pray.  Amen 

Prayer of Thanksgiving

     We offer these prayers, dear Mother, in thanksgiving for your intercession in prayer.
     We are thankful for those in our community who regularly attend church and practice the faith.  We are especially grateful, dear Mother, that the desire to pray for our prodigals, vocations and our priests has been put on our hearts.  May it be pleasing to you to see this desire now put into action. 
     We offer as a sacrifice, our commitment to attend these prayers sessions.  Help us in our resolve and perseverance in this action that the desires of your heart will grow in our community and throughout the nation. 
     May it be pleasing to you to present our thanks with gentle tenderness to the Most Sacred Heart of your dearly beloved Son, Jesus Christ, for the return of our prodigals, for vocations, and an increase to the priesthood.  Amen.

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We pray and reach out to those who pray for loved ones who are lapsed Catholics, fallen-away Catholics, prodigal Catholics, non-practicing Catholics, or whatever name is used for those who no longer attend Mass and receive the Sacraments.