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St. John Chrysostom

 Feast Day - September 13

Patron of Preachers, Speakers, and Those who strive to share their gift of Faith

When attempting to share our faith with others, we would do well to seek the intercession of St John Chrysostom who had the gift of persuasive speech when talking about Jesus and His Church.

Who was Saint John Chrysostom?

Saint John Chrysostom was proclaimed a Doctor of the Church in 451.  He was one of the most famous orators of his day. He was a monk, a preacher, and a priest in Syria for many years.

He was so well-known for his sermons that he was called Chrysostom the golden mouthed. They were focused and explained the Scriptures with clarity. and they sometimes went on for hours.

 He criticized the rich for not sharing their wealth, fought to reform the clergy, called for fidelity in marriage, and encouraged justice and charity. While Archbishop and Patriarch of Constantinople, he revised the Greek Liturgy. He was not favored by nobles and bishops because he advocated a change in their lives. Thus, he was twice exiled from his diocese.

Prayer of St John Chrysostom

Hail, O Mother! Virgin, heaven, throne, glory of our Church, its foundation and ornament. Earnestly pray for us to Jesus, your Son and Our Lord, that through your intercession we may have mercy on the day of judgment.  Pray that we may receive all those good things which are reserved for those who love God.  Through the grace and favour of Our Lord, Jesus Christ, to whom, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, be power, honor, and glory, now and forever. Amen.

Comment on St John

John Chrysostom's preaching, by word and example, exemplifies the role of the prophet to comfort the afflicted and to afflict the comfortable. For his honesty and courage he paid the price of a turbulent ministry as bishop, personal vilification and exile.  ~From Saint of the Day, Lives, Lessons and Feast, By Leonard Foley, O.F.M.; revised by Pat McCloskey, O.F.M