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St. Peregrine Laziosi 
Feast Day
May 16

Patron of those who suffer--especially those with cancer and AIDS.

   Peregrine's cancer was healed, but, he experienced a more important healing: A softening of his heart rechanneled all his energy into the service of the gospel. And so we should, for God cares about our concerns. But no prayer would please God more than to ask for an  ongoing softening of heart.  (from Saint of the Day, Lives, Lessons and Feast By Leonard Foley, O.F.M.) 

       We who pray for prodigal loved ones should first seek to turn our hearts toward love of God and those we pray for.  When prayer for others begins with a peaceful heart it can move mountains of doubt in all our lives.

Who was Saint Peregrine

Peregrine had a change of heart from his impetuous youth and eventually, became a Servite Priest.  All his life  he practiced much penance for his earlier behavior. He developedk cancer in his leg and was scheduled to have his leg amputated.  The night before, he spent in prayer asking God to heal him, if it were His will.  He dreamed that Jesus came down from the cross and touched his foot.  The next morning the leg and foot were completely free of cancer and he lived another 20 years. 



 Prayer to Saint Peregrine

     Saint Peregrine, you have given us an example to follow; as a Christian you were steadfast in love; as a Servite you were faithful in service; as a penitent you humbly acknowledged your sin; afflicted you bore suffering with patience. Intercede for us, then, with our heavenly Father so that we steadfast, humble and patient may receive from Christ Jesus the grace we ask. 
     God, Who gave to St. Peregrine an Angel for his companion, the Mother of God for his teacher, and Jesus for the Physician of his malady, grant we beseech You, that through his merits we may on earth intensely love our holy Angel, the Blessed Virgin Mary, and our Savior; and in him bless them forever. 
     Grant that we may receive the favor which we now petition.  Through the same Christ our Lord. Amen.