The National Marian Mantle Group

"Do whatever He tells you."   Jn 2:5

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St Dominic Savio
Feast Day March 10

Patron of Altar Servers and Young People

Many MMG members are parents and/or grandparents.  St. Dominic Savio is the perfect saint to ask to help guide our youth down the path to Jesus and His Church. He is also a good resource for those of us who are "young at heart."  May we all strive (in the saint's words) "to do all that we do for the glory of God."

Who was Saint Dominic Savio?

Dominic was born in Riva, Italy of peasant parents.  At 12 years of age he began to study under St. John Bosco in Turin.  With all his heart Dominic wished to become a priest and help St. John's work with boys in need. Dominic formed a devotional group called the Company of the Immaculate Conception.  That group helped St John with the boys and by working in the oratory.  When St. John Bosco formed the Salesian congregation all the members of that group joined him.  Dominic did not live long enough to do so.

Pius X canonized Dominic in 1954 in spite of the objections of those who thought he was too young to be a saint.  

"I can't do big things. But I want all I do, even the smallest thing, to be for the greater glory of God." ~St Dominic Savio

Prayer to Saint Dominic
for our Children

Dear Saint Dominic, you spent your short life totally for love of Jesus and His Mother. help youth today to realize the importance of God in their lives. You became a saint through fervent participation in the sacraments, enlighten parents and children to the importance of frequent confession and Holy Communion. At a young age you meditated on the sorrowful Passion of Our Lord. Obtain for us the grace of a fervent desire to suffer for love of Him.  We desperately need your intercession to protect today's children from the snares of the world. Watch over them and lead them on the narrow road to Heaven. Ask God to give us the grace to sanctify our daily duties by performing them perfectly out of love for Him. Remind us of the necessity of practicing virtue especially in times of trial.