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St Thomas More
Feast Day June 22
Patron of Those Who
Defend the Faith

We may find ourselves facing great opposition to our Faith, sometimes from those we love who are closest to our hearts.  While we should always meet with love and kindness, those who disagree with us, we might call upon St Thomas to intercede for us and ask the Holy Spirit for the courage and strength to be strong in our beliefs.

Who was Saint Thomas More?

     St Thomas More was beheaded when he refused to approve Henry VIII’s divorce and remarriage and establishment of the Church of England. He was a scholar, lawyer, father and chancellor of England with a strong religious faith. When he would not support the king’s divorce so that he would be free to marry Anne Boleyn, or acknowledge Henry as head of the Church in England and deny the pope as head, More tried for treason. 

Comment:  St. Thomas More is also a man for our times and a model for us today as we strive to serve God in our social, religious, and familial relationships.  Another example of his being a man for all seasons and for our time, St. Thomas More believed in the education of women—a truly radical notion for his time. His daughters were better educated than most men of this era.  ~From the website of St. Thomas More Church, Austin, TX.



 Prayer Asking
the Intercession of
St Thomas More

St Thomas More, you were a true Defender of the Faith. Like Christ unjustly condemned, neither promises nor threats could make you accept a civil ruler as head of the Catholic Church. Perfect in your honesty and love of truth, grant that lawyers and judges may imitate you and achieve true justice for all people.  Amen