The National Marian Mantle Group

"Do whatever He tells you."   Jn 2:5

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St Justin, Martyr
Feast Day June 1
Patron of Philosophers and Apologists

MMG members can look to St Justin Martyr for example and inspiration as we pray for guidance in helping prodigal Catholics find their way to the Truth.  We would do well to take the advice of Justin's elderly mentor and pray for both ourselves and those prodigals we love to "be enlightened and able to recognize and understand the truth."

Who was Saint Justin?

      Due to his great interest in philosophy, St Justin, a Roman, had studied all varieties of paganism in his search for truth. When he was 30 years of age, he met an old man who told him about Christianity and told him to pray that he would be enlightened and able to recognize and understand the truth about God.
     Justin took this knowledge to the pagan peoples throughout the ancient world where he would routinely debate pagan philosophers. His writings (First and Second Apology) in which he explained and defended the faith, are held in great regard and studied by present day students of philosophy and theology. St. Justin is considered the most important of the second century apologists.
     Justin was arrested, along with several others, for being a Christian. When questioned as to their meeting place, Justin replied, "Where each one chooses and can: for do you fancy that we all meet in the very same place? Not so; because the God of the Christians is not circumscribed by place; but being invisible, fills heaven and earth, and everywhere is worshipped and glorified by the faithful."
     The group was eventually beheaded for their faith.
     St Justin Martyr, in his lifelong effort of bringing an understanding of the true Faith to the world, is an outstanding model for lay apostles of today.

 Prayer Asking
the Intercession of St Justin

Saint Justin Martyr, pray that in our search for the Truth, God will open the gates of light for us the way God did for you and give us the wisdom no human being can give. Amen
                           ~Catholic Online


Philosophy is the knowledge
of that which exists, and a clear understanding of the truth;
And happiness is the reward of such knowledge and understanding.
                                ~ St Justin