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"Do whatever He tells you."   Jn 2:5

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Sts Ann & Joachim
Feast Day July 26
Patrons of Parents and Grandparents

Sts Ann and Joachim were the parents of the Blessed Virgin and the grandparents of Jesus.  The love and example of their home and their faith, developed in their daughter a deep faith and a great trust in God, which ultimately, gave the world its Saviour.  The importance of faith and family embedded in Mary's heart, provided a loving and nurturing home for the child Jesus.  Scripture tells us nothing about His grandparents, but, since they were like most grandparents, no doubt He was constantly in their prayers His entire life (whether they prayed on Earth or from Heaven). 

Who were Sts Ann & Joachim?

The Scriptures give us no information regarding Mary’s parents.  What we do know, however, is that the strong character of Mary in making decisions, her continuous practice of prayer, her devotion to the laws of her faith, her steadiness at moments of crisis, and her devotion to her relatives—all indicate a close-knit, loving family that looked forward to the next generation even while retaining the best of the past.

 Prayer Asking
the Intercession of Jesus' Grandparents

Heavenly Father, You gave Saints Joachim and Ann the wonderful privilege of being the parents of the Virgin Mary and the grandparents of Christ, Your Son.  Through their intercession, bring us, our children and grandchildren, closer to the loving Heart of Your Son, Who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever.  Amen.

The Grandparents' Club

Note:  I was given a copy of this prayer by a friend.  It had the name and phone number of its author, Grace Reinhart so I called her to ask permission to reprint it so that I might share it with others at our presentations.  She graciously agreed.  Following her wishes, I offer it here for personal use and distribution to your friends, with the stipulation that it be offered freely, with no charge or fee required.  In thanksgiving for Grace's unselfish sharing of this prayer with the world, please keep her and her loved ones in your prayers.  ~MaryAnn Gardner

Join The Grandparent’s Club

Dear Friends,
     This club has no meetings– no dues– just a joining in spirit and in prayers to the Infant Jesus and his beloved Mother for our grandchildren. Our children’s minds are being corrupted by television, movies, Internet, and books. They are in great jeopardy of losing their souls. Even with a strong religious life, it is hard for them because of peer pressure and worldliness.
     My idea is to set aside a time each day (3 pm), the hour of our Lord’s death, to place ourselves in the presence of God and pray for guidance and protection from all evil for our grandchildren All grandmothers would be praying together for our grandchildren at 3pm. You may use any prayers you wish. I use the prayer on the front of this bookmark. Some of you are in the habit of saying the Divine Mercy Prayers at 3pm. It would be easy to add this prayer. Think of the spiritual good we would be obtaining for our grandchildren! I’d like to ask Our Lord to give them the graces to help them know the vocation he has chosen for them and also the graces to follow that vocation.
     I hope you will join in the club and I encourage you to invite other grandmothers to take a few minutes and join us in prayer.

Yours in Christ,
Grace T. Reinhardt

Grandparent’s Prayer

Infant Jesus, and Mary our Queen and Mother, we come before you to place our grandchildren in your protective arms. Shield them from the evil spirits and the worldliness that is all about them. O Jesus, cover them with your precious blood. We plead with you to grant them the graces to know their vocation you have chosen for them and the graces for them to follow it. Send their guardian angels to protect them always. Sts. Anne and Joachim, Grandparents of the Infant Jesus, watch over our grandchildren. We thank you. Amen.

* * *
Reprinted with permission of author Grace T. Reinhardt

Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place my trust in You.
