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Saint Gabriel of the Sorrowful Mother

Feast Day February 27
Patron Saint of
young people and those devoted to Our Lady and her sorrows.

St Gabriel prayed for the gift of devotion to Mary.  Let those of us who pray for prodigal loved ones do the same for she understands our pain and through her intercession will carry our prayers to her Son.

Who is Saint Gabriel of the Sorrowful Mother?

Gabriel joined the Passionist Order and became a devoted "apostle of Our Lady's sorrows." To be close to Jesus, he believed one must honor His Mother. He prayed for the gift of devotion to Mary. He died at age 24 after only six years as a religious. His life was ordinary, but, after death many miracles have occurred at his tomb.  Many miracles credited to him are those in which not only physical, but, also spiritual cures occurred. Through his intercession, many a lost soul has returned to Jesus and His Church.

Some of The Miracles attributed to the Intercession of St Gabriel

A woman suffering from acute tuberculosis dreamed Our Lady told her to ask Gabriel to intercede. Her uncle gave her a relic of the saint and told her to vow to go barefoot to his tomb if cured. She fell asleep while praying and woke totally cured. With her village, she walked barefoot the five miles to the saint’s tomb.

God was no longer part of his life, so a 71 year old man, paralyzed for 12 years, no longer prayed. On an impulse, he went to the church by the tomb of Gabriel. and went to confession. Days later, in tears, the man told the priest, "St. Gabriel cured my ailments, touched my heart, and brought me back to God. How do I show my thanks to God for so many blessings?"

Words of Saint Gabriel of the Sorrowful Mother

Love Mary! She is loveable, faithful, constant. If you are in need, she will help you. She does not look to see what kind of person you have been. She simply comes to a heart that wants to love her.

Prayer to Saint Gabriel of the Sorrowful Mother

Dear Saint Gabriel of the Sorrowful Mother, God inspired you to love the passion of Jesus as reflected in the heart of Mary. Be with us in trial. Be with youth, and with souls lost in this world so they might find their way to Jesus. Amen.


 "Not half of the miracles worked by God through His servant [Gabriel] are kept on record, and yet, today over 400 have been recorded."
Father Nicholas Ward, C.P