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Saint Blaise

 Feast Day February 3
Patron Saint of Throats and Those who Heal

St Blaise may seen a strange patron for those of us who pray for the return to the Faith of prodigal loved ones.  However, he was known to come to the aid of anyone who is hurting.  Both those who pray for prodigals and the prodigals themselves may be in need of healing for a hardened heart, a blindness to God's grace, a lack of love.  Let us turn to St Blaise and ask his intercession that all may receive the Lord's healing touch.


Who is St Blaise?

Blaise was a physician and became a hermit.  He continued to help all who came to him.  He is said to be one who taught more by his example than by his words. Tradition says that before he was beheaded he asked God to grant Him the grace of being able to heal people after death as he had cared for then during his life.  The Lord, in a voice that all present could hear, told him his prayer was granted.  His intercession is credited with many healings.

Prayer of Blessing for Throats

Through the intercession of St. Blaise, bishop and martyr, may God deliver you from ailments of the throat and from every other evil. In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.