Prayers for Prodigal Catholics
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A Zeal For Lost Souls
By Theresa Smith

Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen had a zeal for lost souls. We, too, can help lost souls return in these ways:

The Holy Hour - Archbishop Sheen called this the Hour of Power. On his ordination he promised to spend a daily hour  in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament. He kept that promise for over 60 years. He gave practical advice to motivate us. He suggested we have a cup of coffee first!  “You do not want the Lord to ask, ‘Could you not stay awake for one hour?’ ”

Father Andrew Apostoli, worker for the Archbishop’s cause for canonization, said, “Fulton Sheen’s works (books, talks, programs) are timeless because they were prepared in the presence of the One Who is timeless.” Begin a regular holy hour and prepare letters, cards, calls, etc. to your loved ones in the presence of One who loves them even more than you do.

Our Lady - One of Sheen’s greatest hopes was to hear Jesus say, “I’ve heard My mother speak of you.” With a mother’s heart, Mary will speak to Jesus about your loved ones. Pray the rosary and let Our Lady console you. Sheen called Mary “The Woman I Love.” Let’s make her the woman we love and trust, too.

Sacrifice - Sheen would go to extremes to bring a soul home to the Church. If it required staying up all night in prayer, sacrificing, or donating money, no price was too great to save a soul. We who pray for prodigals understand their value. We know that soul is loved by the Lord who longs for him/her to come home. Let us, too, commit to loving that soul home, regardless of the cost.

Truth - We may not have access to the media to reach our prodigals, but we can love with Sheen’s intensity and bring the lost to Christ. Spend time learning more about your faith and you will grow in holiness and  be better able to answer questions from your prodigals and speak the truth in love without anxiety.

Personal Struggle - Sheen was open about his own struggles with pride and vanity when surrounded by adoring fans. He helped bring home many souls but never counted them because he feared he  would begin to think he made the conversions happen, not the Lord.  God may work through us, but He is the one responsible. Accept any conversion with joyful gratitude. If you are struggling with pride,  begin each day with a prayer for help and then let the Lord lead.

Love - Love these souls! You may not see the results in this life, but your efforts are never wasted. Unite your pain to the cross, your love with Christ’s  heart, and your life to His truth. 

Archbishop Sheen, pray for us. As was his customary closing, “Bye now and God love you.”

      Theresa Smith is Director of Adult Faith Formation & Family Life Ministries at St Patrick Parish, Kansas City, Kansas

From "Silent Strength"  The Newsletter of the Marian Mantle Group, June 2007
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