Prayers for Prodigal Catholics
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Come to Me

 On several occasions when distributing Holy Communion, I have experienced a surge of warmth and intense yearning emanating from the Host towards those who come to receive Him.   Its as if Jesus can hardly wait to commune with them!              
~Name Withheld by Request

 Could You Watch One Hour With Me?

For 10 years, my Holy Hour before the Blessed Sacrament has been precious to me.  I say the rosary, do spiritual reading.  And spend the last minutes in silent meditation. This sustains me throughout my week. It calms my spirit, gives me hope and strength. I pray for the prayers requests  on the chapel bulletin board. Today many no longer believe in the power of prayer.  My hour before the Eucharist teaches me to go to Jesus with all my concerns, needs and sufferings.  ~Liana

             When I visit the Blessed Sacrament, I know Jesus is there. When I don't know where to turn, I go to chapel. I leave feeling better. Often, like many  say, I feel Him in my heart.  When I have problems, He reminds me to keep praying.   Sometimes I remind Him that He said, "Ask and you shall receive; seek and you shall find; knock and it shall be opened." I’m thankful He’s always where I can find Him—in the Blessed Sacrament.  Visit often. We’re  sad when a friend doesn't stop for a visit. I believe Jesus feels the same.           ~Veronica



From "Silent Strength"  The Newsletter of the Marian Mantle Group, January, 2007
© Marian Mantle Group, Inc.  All rights reserved.  Permission to reprint must be requested in writing.  For permission to reprint email the Newsletter editor.