Prayers for Prodigal Catholics
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A Saint For Those Who Trust and Wait

Although St. Francis de Sales is the patron of journalists, his life and words can also be an inspiration to those who spend hours, and often years, in prayer for the return of loved ones to the Faith. Francis had patience to wait until God’s will for him was made clear. Then, with perseverance and determination, he followed the path God had shown him.

He believed he should be a priest, and waited for years for God to tell him. Finally, God’s will became clear when Francis fell from his horse several times. With each fall, his sword and scabbard fell to the ground and formed a cross. At first, as a priest he was ineffective because people found him conceited and condescending.

Francis patiently waited for God to lead him. Finally, he realized he was to try to convince the Calvinists to return to Catholicism. With his cousin by his side, he endured three years of rejection, cold winters, and sleeping in barns. When his cousin left, not one person had yet been converted.

Still, Francis’ faith gave him

patience. When no one opened their door to him, he slipped copies of his sermons underneath. When Francis turned to the children, his kindness finally won over the parents. Eventually, he led 40,000 people back to the Faith.

Just as we do not judge our prodigals, Francis believed the worst sin was passing judgment on others. He also said to be just as gentle and forgiving with ourselves as we are with others.

St. Francis de Sales, by your example may we learn to love, not judge; to wait patiently for God instead of becoming anxious; & to persevere in prayer for our beloved prodigals. Amen. ♥

Words of Wisdom From
St. Francis de Sales

If you have a sure trust in God, the success that comes to you will always be that which is most useful to you, whether it appears good or bad
in your private judgment.

When we cannot excuse a sin, let us at least make it worthy of compassion by attributing the most favorable cause we can to it, such as ignorance or weakness. Never pass judgment on our neighbor.

Let us run to Mary as her little children and cast ourselves into her arms
with a perfect confidence.

From "Silent Strength"  The Newsletter of the Marian Mantle Group, July, 2006
© Marian Mantle Group, Inc.  All rights reserved.  Permission to reprint must be requested in writing.  For permission to reprint email the Newsletter editor.