Novena to St. Joseph

from  Pallottine Fathers Milwaukee, WI


The  Pallottine Fathers and Brothers pray this novena to St. Joseph beginning on the 19th of each month

(First day)  St. Joseph, faithful guardian of Mary and Jesus, pray for us to our heavenly Father to protect all families this day from evil, sickness and harm.

(Second day)  St. Joseph, loyal and obedient to God, through your example and prayers help us turn away from sin and follow more closely in the footsteps of our Lord Jesus Christ.

(Third day)  St. Joseph, hope of the sick, intercede for us with God on behalf of all who suffer from physical and emotional illness.  Through your prayers may they quickly recover and once again enjoy health of mind and body.

(Fourth day)  St. Joseph, model of all workers, help us to labor zealously in the kingdom of God, to seek justice and truth always, and to serve our neighbor in all that we do.

(Fifth day)  St. Joseph, example to parents, inspire all mothers and fathers to be the best of examples for their children.  Help them experience the joy of lasting friends and the peace of a loving family.

(Sixth day)  St. Joseph, protector of the Church, by your prayers help us to live the commandments of Go each day of our lives so that we, the people of God, may always stand strong against the forces of evil that try to destroy God’s Church.

(Seventh day)  St. Joseph, patron of the dying, be with those who will die this day and intercede for them with our heavenly Father so that they may enter with joy into the everlasting love of God.

(Eighth day)  St. Joseph, teacher and defender of Christ, teach us, as you taught Jesus, a deep love for God and our neighbor.  Help us in our struggles in life.

(Ninth day)  Friend of all who seek your help, pray for us to the Father that we may always grow in our love for God and each other.

Let us pray,

St. Joseph your life was molded by God through and through.  The eternal Father entrusted to you the Virgin Mary and His only Son.  We venerate you, gracious saint.  We recognize in you a powerful advocate before God.  We ask you to help us, that we, who are sinners, will obtain from God all the grace and mercy we need in our lives.  We ask this through Christ our Lord.  Amen.