Marian Mantle Group

"Do whatever He tells you."  

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Prayers for Prodigal Catholics
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Marian Mantle Online Prayer Group Update
September 30, 2005

We Join in Prayer Under the Mantle of the Blessed Virgin Mary

[Please send your prayer requests to or]



Hi, Everyone,

I will never be able to thank you enough for your prayers for my recovery from surgery, for the Hutchinson event, and for the advancement of Marian Mantle within our Catholic  communities. 

          Tomorrow begins the month of the Holy Rosary.  It's always inspiring to hear stories about the power of the rosary and prayers answered through it.  If you have one, please send it to me so we can share it with the group in the coming weeks.  This was told to me a few weeks ago.  A woman here in Kansas had a store for sale.  She decided, since it was the first of October, to enlist Our Lady's help.  She brought a large painting of the Blessed Mother from her home and hung it in the front of the store.  She encircled it with a wall rosary her mother had given her.  She asked Our Lady to help her get the store sold by the end of the month.  She prayed the rosary during slow times while working in the store.  The last week in October a man stopped in and made a purchase.  Then he said, "Let's talk about your store."  By the first of November, one week later, the store was not only sold, but the paperwork went through so quickly that she was completed finished with the store on Nov 1.

    For those who have asked about my arm, I finally have healed enough that the doctor has me beginning physical therapy next week.  (as I said before, the injury/surgery was much more involved than what we realized in the beginning:-) I still am on pain medication but most of the pain seems to be from tight muscles, ligaments, etc.  It’s still pain, but at least I know it's progress.  I actually tried with some success to play the piano a few days ago--and of course, complained of muscle ache for the next two days :-), so I am definitely making progress.  My elbow is pretty good in its extension but my shoulder has a long ways to go.  I am so grateful for doctors skills and medical technology that will allow me to eventually get back to normal (the doctor says I may never be 100%, but it should be close.)  I definitely intend to try to recover as far as possible.  Please keep me in your prayers that I have the strength, stamina, and grace to work through the difficulty and keep it all wrapped in prayer and not be a pain to those around me.

     A big welcome to all our new members this week.

    Many of you have asked about the Hutchinson weekend. The weekend had been wrapped in prayer since last May when a small group began to gather each Wednesday at Sarah’s Catholic Bookstore in Hutchinson where they prayed a rosary for the weekend’s success.  Talk about the power of prayer!  Barbara Sanborn and those who helped her put in much hard work and kept the faith and made it a big success. Almost 50 people attended.  Between 10-20 or more from the surrounding area have contacted Marian Mantle by email or phone and have joined the online group.  We met nothing but friendly hospitable people and made many new friends.  Leah and Bob were extra busy at the literature table answering questions, visiting, and helping people with their choices.  All Bob’s innovations kept me comfortable. I continue to have a problem with my hip since the accident.  I knew I would never be able to stand for a long time.  Bob devised a podium to hold my notes that was short enough that I could sit throughout the presentation.  Thanks, Honey!  I was afraid my delivery would be flat because of my concern about my arm and the medication I had to take, but the audience was attentive and very responsive.

     Several people there agreed to be readers in the short prayer service that closed the afternoon.  Every time I speak, I meet at least one very special person—usually several.  It was no different this time.  Once more God sent along those who prove to me that as long as we are faithful to His Word, He will honor our efforts.  I will never forget the person who walked into the hall on Sunday with a scowl that turned into a big smile by the end of the afternoon.

      I was thrilled to hear that the prayer group at Holy Cross is already praying together.  There will be a meeting at St. Theresa’s next week to form a group there.  They hope to do the same at Our Lady of Guadalupe’s.  If you need information about those groups contact Barbara at  

          Meanwhile, as the month of the rosary approaches, let us join together in praying the rosary for those who are most vulnerable in our nation and especially for those prodigal Catholics we love so much. May we remember to keep our eyes focused on Jesus.  May we remember to pray instead of grow anxious.  May each bead bring to mind a personal blessing and an attitude of thanksgiving.  With St Francis' feast day approaching, let us follow his direction...especially with our relating to our prodigals and say…"Lord, make me an instrument of Thy peace..."

     Meanwhile, may God give us all the Grace to pray with the perseverance of St. Monica and the unconditional love of the father of the Prodigal Son.

     May God bless all of us and grant us His Peace. 



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Reaction to MaryAnn's request for prayers during the Hutchinson presentation:


Hi MaryAnn

Be assured of my prayers for a successful and safe weekend.  Am on my way to phone the Carmelites, who are in Sioux City, to pray for you, your presentation, and all the

people attending--and those not attending.

          Whenever I had to give a speech or a presentation, which was not often,I  would sometimes get near collapse.  Out of desperation I just gave it to God PERIOD.  My, how high the Holy Spirit would lift me on His wings and words flowed beautifully.  I wish the same for you.   ~Iowa


Dear MaryAnn,

I do hope that Hutchinson went well today and we continue to pray for that group and for your recovery (especially from such a trip!!). We were there with you in spirit. I can't wait to hear about our Blessed Mother's hand in all of this today.      ~Kansas


Dear Maryann

 I have just found out about your ministry but I will pray during your session on Sunday the 25th.  That is the date of my deceased husbands birthday and he went to the Lord before he knew about my daughter leaving the church so it is a precious day to me.  Also, it is the day my daughter picked for her wedding.  So I will be praying from 2 to 3 on that day, for God's Grace to bring all back to the church          ~New Member


(Remember the couple we mentioned last week who said they would pray a rosary for us during the time of my talk in Hutchinson.  Since this is October, I thought I would share their little story about St. Therese.  If you have ever received a sign of roses, you understand.  If you have not, please believe that she does "send of shower of roses/blessings" as she promised.  Here's this young couple's story (I expect the book is The Story of a Soul:) )


Dear MaryAnn,

I am currently attempting to read a book - small, can't think of the exact title right now, however it is essentially "The thoughts, words and prayers of St. Therese of the Little Flower". Whew! I can only read, study and meditate just a few little snippets at a time. Her way was indeed that "little way" however her words and thoughts are so powerful and almost overwhelming for "little me" to personally understand and grasp her total way of love. I will tell you though, my rose bushes had completely stopped blooming around Mid June - can't explain why - just no roses. roses all summer. We watered, we fed, we watered etc...not one rose. Since beginning to read and meditate on St Therese's words, my rose bushes, all six of them have started budding and blooming again.   ~Kansas


Note from MaryAnn:  Praise God for our lives and for taking care of those we love.  We here at Marian Mantle are thankful for the Lord's protection of our members.  Vicki and Daryl host a Silent Strength prayer group in their home.  God knows, we need them and the people who pray with them! They are very devoted to the rosary and to the Lord and His mother.  On vacation they and their elderly mothers and brother (who is in a wheel-chair) found them selves witnessing a multi-vehicle accident happening in front of them. One of the drivers was killed. This is part of what Daryl wrote when they got home:


          We had said our rosary novena in the [van] while beginning our trip.  We traveled along at our normal pace with no problems on I-70.  [He then describes the accident happening]…I thought we were doomed.  We went through the middle [of it] and our entire passenger side was dented from front to back.  We drove off into a twenty to thirty foot ditch.

          Once at the bottom of the ditch I immediately decided to see if our vehicle could make it back up to the street.  I did manage and stopped on the shoulder of the highway.  The first thing I thought at this point was that the Lord and His angels were watching over us.  I had been asking for some sign and did I ever get one.  We all were wearing seat belts and normally Vicki and most of the others besides myself don't wear them…Vicki suffered a slight dislocation of her right shoulder and some minor knee injuries, but the rest of us were okay.


Note: Some of your Reactions to the St. Teresa of Avila quote in the last update:


Dear partners in prayer,

 I thank you for your visits on my PC.I live near Chattanooga.My prayer vigil at most times is a lonely one and sometimes I feel I won't live long enough to realize my dream of my only son returns to the church and god to send him a good women to spend his life with and love and serve the lord. Your message quoting St Teresa spoke to me and so I want to encourage you and tell you how much I appreciate the hope and help you offer.


A Parent who has a child involved in a legal problem wrote:

I printing this [St Teresa quote] off and taking it to Court with us tomorrow.  Thanks!


For those who are new to our group, here is the quote:

The devil will try to upset you by accusing you of being unworthy of the blessings that you have received. Simply remain cheerful and do your best to ignore the devil’s nagging. If need be even laugh at the absurdity of the situation. Satan, the epitome of sin itself, accuses you of unworthiness! When the devil reminds you of your past, remind him of his future!  ~ St. Theresa of Avila


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And I tell you, Ask, and it will be given you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.  For every one who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened. 

What father among you, if his son asks for a fish, will instead of a fish give him a serpent;  or if he asks for an egg, will give him a scorpion? If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will the heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!"  ~Luke 11



Nothing is far from God.  ~St Monica

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