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Advent Thoughts-2011

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Bringing our fallen-away relations back to Church during Advent by Fr. John Horgan
We should pray not only for "our own," but for all...not just for "them" but for each other, that we be ready... We must ask for so much grace that we are radiant...our words be filled with truth and kindness, our hearts with love... that everyone...may see Jesus in every one that they see.

The History of the Advent Wreath by Fr. William Saunders
The Advent wreath is part of our long-standing Catholic tradition.

The Liturgical Season of Advent by Fr. William Saunders
How did the celebration of Advent come about?

Catholic Traditions for Advent and Christmas by Michaelann Martin
How can families better live the spirit of Advent and Christmas in their homes?

 Following Mary's Advent Footsteps   by Fr. Roger J. Landry
Each year, on the fourth Sunday of Advent, the Church has us focus on Mary